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List Transactions



List Transactions


Query Parameters

    after string

    An object ID that is used as a cursor in pagination. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo42, your subsequent call can include after=obj_foo42 in order to fetch the next page of the list.

    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 10

    A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100.

    order string

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    Default value: DESC

    Sort list objects in either ascending or descending order.

    statementId string

    Retrieve only transactions associated with this Statement



Response Headers

  • Acme-Mode


    Has the value LIVE if the data exists in live production mode or the value TEST if the data exists in test sandbox mode.





  • Array [

  • id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the object.

    dataSource stringrequired

    Possible values: [ICN, IDN, CAMT.053, CAMT052, CAMT053, CAMT054]

    Data source where the information for this transaction came from:

    • ICN, IDN: Real-time or semi-real-time credit transaction notification. Applicable to: DBS
    • CAMT.053: End-of-day statement. Applicable to: DBS
    • CAMT052: Intra-day statement. Applicable to: DBS
    • CAMT053: End-of-day statement. Applicable to: Citi
    • CAMT054: Real-time transaction notification. Applicable to: Citi
    transactionType stringrequired

    Possible values: [FAST, PAYNOW, ACT, TT, MEPS, GIRO, OTHERS]

    Transaction type

    bankReference stringrequired

    Transaction reference ID set by the bank

    description stringrequireddeprecated

    The transaction detail text that often appears on your bank statement and in your banking portal.

    Deprecated: use customerReference instead.

    customerReference string

    Customer reference set by the sender. Often used to allow the receiving party to recognize and reconcile the transaction.

    remittanceInformation string

    Remittance information, if available.

    additionalInformation string

    Additional information, if available.

    amount integerrequired

    A positive integer value in specified currency's smallest unit. e.g. for SGD, $10 would be represented as 1000 (cents).

    currency stringrequired

    Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code in full uppercase.

    direction stringrequired

    Possible values: [CREDIT, DEBIT]

    Credit transaction or debit transaction




    The other party of this transaction. For a credit transaction, the counterparty is the party where money was debited from. For a debit transaction, the counterparty is the party where money was credited to.

    name string

    Counterparty name

    bank string

    Counterparty bank SWIFT/BIC code

    bankAccountNumber string

    Counterparty bank account number



    The bank account of the transaction

    id string

    Internal account ID

    bank string

    Bank SWIFT/BIC code

    bankAccountNumber string

    Account number

    virtualAccountNumber string

    Virtual Account number, if the transaction destination is a Virtual Account.

    transactionDate stringrequired

    Transaction date

    statementId string

    ID of the statement that the transaction is a part of.

    createdAt stringrequired

    Creation timestamp

    updatedAt stringrequired

    Last updated timestamp

  • ]

  • hasMore booleanrequired