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Create a Payment




Header Parameters

    Idempotency-Key string

    A unique value, eg. a UUID.


    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [FAST, GIRO, ACT, PAYNOW]

    Type of the payment, eg. FAST or GIRO.

    amount integerrequired

    A positive integer value in specified currency's smallest unit. e.g. $10 would be represented as 1000 (cents).

    currency stringrequired

    Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code in full uppercase. Must be a currency supported by the payment type.

    For example, FAST only supports SGD.

    customerReference string

    A meaningful description of the payment. This will show up in the receiver's bank statement. Characters used should be restricted to the SWIFT Character Set: uppercase and lowercase letters A-Z, 0-9 numerals, space, and these symbols: /-?:().,'+.

    senderAccountId stringrequired

    Sender's account ID. Must be an internal account.

    senderAccountCurrency string

    Currency to use in the sender account, if it has multiple currencies. Optional if sender account only has one currency configured.





    name stringrequired

    Receiver's name

    proxyType stringrequired

    Possible values: [MOBILE, UEN, VPA]

    The proxy type if type is PAYNOW

    proxyValue stringrequired

    The proxy value if type is PAYNOW



Response Headers

  • Acme-Mode


    Has the value LIVE if the data exists in live production mode or the value TEST if the data exists in test sandbox mode.


    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the object.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [FAST, GIRO, ACT, TT, PAYNOW]

    Type of the payment

    amount integerrequired

    A positive integer value in specified currency's smallest unit. e.g. for SGD, $10 would be represented as 1000 (cents).

    currency stringrequired

    Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code in full uppercase.

    customerReference string

    A meaningful description of the payment. This will show up in the receiver's bank statement. Characters used should be restricted to the SWIFT Character Set: uppercase and lowercase letters A-Z, 0-9 numerals, space, and these symbols: /-?:().,'+.

    senderAccountId stringrequired

    Sender's account ID. Must be an internal account.

    senderAccountCurrency string

    Currency to use in the sender account, if it has multiple currencies. Optional if sender account only has one currency configured.



    name string

    Receiver's name

    bank string

    Receiver's bank SWIFT/BIC code

    bankAccountNumber string

    Receiver's bank account number

    proxyType string

    Possible values: [MOBILE, UEN, VPA]

    The proxy type if type is PAYNOW

    proxyValue string

    The proxy value if type is PAYNOW



    Receiver's address

    line1 string
    line2 string
    city string
    state string
    postalCode string
    country string
    status stringrequired


    Status of the payment

    resultCode stringrequired

    Result code of the payment

    createdAt stringrequired

    Time at which the object was created. In ISO 8601 format.

    updatedAt stringrequired

    Time at which the object was last updated. In ISO 8601 format.
